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喜帖設計欣賞 Design:南朗

我們最不建議放照片在喜帖裡~但如果真要放 會希望是這種比較藝術性質

一般的新人都忽略了剛拍好的婚紗照 其實退流行的速度會比想像的快...

我 們 早 晨 起 來 往 葡 萄 園 去 , 看 看 葡 萄 發 芽 開 花 沒 有 , 石 榴 放 蕊 沒 有 ; 我 在 那 裡 要 將 我 的 愛 情 給 你 。
Let us rise early and go to the vineyards;
Let us see whether the vine has budded
And its blossoms have opened,
And whether the pomegranates have bloomed.
There I will give you my love.


Come away, my beloved! Be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices!

Dress Code要求也印的真好!
"成人美夢. 香草在心"

用蠟封貼信封口 永遠是經典!


聖經裡的song of solomon 雅歌



7:10 我屬我的良人,他也戀慕我

8:5 那靠著良人從曠野上來的是誰呢?(新娘)我在蘋果樹下叫醒你;你母親在那裏為你劬勞,生養你的在那裏為你劬勞。

8:14 我的良人哪,願你快來如羚羊或小鹿在香草山上

Song of Songs 8:6-7

New International Version (NIV)

6 Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy[a] unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.[b]
7 Many waters cannot quench love;
rivers cannot sweep it away.
If one were to give
all the wealth of one’s house for love,
it[c] would be utterly scorned.

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Photographer: Aaron Delesie

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上海的思南公館 雖然不大






增添了許多童稚 輕鬆氣息

簡簡單單 很令人嚮往


Photos: ZQIMAGES道生影相


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Baker D. Chirico celebrated the launch of their new identity with the opening of their second store, in the inner city suburb of Carlton. The project was a unique collaboration between FOD (Fabio Ongarato Design), architects March Studio, artist and fashion designers PAM, and Daniel Chirico – Australia’s most recognised artisan bread maker. Focused on the juxtaposition between age-old tradition and craft, and contemporary design thinking with a surreal twist, the new store creates a truly unique and unexpected experience.

麵包店的專屬緞帶 和小吊卡


用這樣設計感的包裝紙來包裹法國棍麵包 和點心 看起來更高級



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宣稱超過一億朵鮮花佈置的服裝秀會場Christian Dior,

 by Raf Simons, autumn 2012 couture, in Paris.


 (July 2, 2012  The New York Times)


前置作業的動態記錄: 真的好驚人的手筆啊



PARIS — Before a single sculpted skirt swayed down the runway, or a blue shoe stepped daintily forward, or a model pursed her scarlet lips under a light veil and shook her long, flat hair, the debut Christian Dior couture collection from Raf Simons said it with flowers.

Five grand rooms of a classic Parisian mansion were filled Monday with one million blooms: walls thick with white orchids, yellow mimosa and blue delphiniums — just the colors that would appear on the runway as mid-calf dresses curving at the hips, reinterpretations of the famous shapely “Bar” jacket or rounded, short-and-sweet dresses, cut like a chopped-off ballgown and worn over skinny pants.

“I wanted it to be linked to the codes of Christian Dior — but to make it dynamic, modern, energetic,” Mr. Simons, 44, said after the winter 2012 couture show to explain his own historic/modern approach. The blooms were a homage to Mr. Dior’s “Flower Woman” and passion for gardens.

Roses of every hue lined the central room, where Harvey Weinstein sat flanked by the movie stars Jennifer Lawrence from “The Hunger Games” and Mélanie Laurent from “Inglourious Basterds.” Full front and center, Bernard Arnault, chairman of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, sat with Princess Charlene of Monaco. Marion Cotillard, Dior’s ambassador, was already wearing a dress smothered in flowers.

Roses of every hue lined the central room, where Harvey Weinstein sat flanked by the movie stars Jennifer Lawrence from “The Hunger Games” and Mélanie Laurent from “Inglourious Basterds.” Full front and center, Bernard Arnault, chairman of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, sat with Princess Charlene of Monaco. Marion Cotillard, Dior’s ambassador, was already wearing a dress smothered in flowers.

Adored by WedLuxe: The latest Dior fashion show took our breath away; before we even saw a single item from the new Fall/Winter 2012 Couture Collection!

Under the creative direction of new designer Raf Simon, the venue (a grand residence by the Arc de Triomphe in Paris) was adorned with one million flowers that were designed as monochromatic floral tapestries throughout the rooms.

ONE MILLION F⋯⋯LOWERS?!?!!?! Need we say more?

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Wedding and Marriage Announcement Wording Ideas


"Love is not about looking each other in the eyes, but about looking together in the same direction"

We are delighted to announce our marriage

  Andy Chen


 Helen Wang

July 14, 2012
on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii
We wish to share our joy with you, our friends and family
May your good wishes be your only gift to us


Love is the wind, the tide, the waves, the sunshine.

This is my beloved and this is my friend. -Song of Solomon 5:16

On the road of life, it's not where you go but who you're with that makes the difference.

Saying I do is more than saying I love you...
It goes beyond describing how my love is true
Because words are not enough to express my love for you.

The new beginning of a love-filled life,
On the island of Jamaica we became husband and wife

The only one that stole my heart away

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt in the heart.

Marriage is a safe container, a place where individual differences are honored, included, and celebrated.

Life is once more alive within me for love of you.

Life is a journey, and love is what makes the journey worthwhile.

My heart recognized you as part of its own.

It is love, from the first time I pressed my hand into yours.

From this day forward, by God's grace and goodness, I give you my hand to hold and my life to share.

When it's wrong, nothing helps. When it's right, nothing is needed. --Neil Simon

Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
With joy in their hearts, NAMES were married...

There are three things that will endure--faith, hope, and love,
and the greatest of these is love

Only love let's us see normal things in an extraordinary way.

We are delighted to announce the ceremony of our love and commitment

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart.

Now and forever. Partners in life.
On the island of _____ we became husband and wife.

Better than I was, more than I am,
and all of this happened by taking your hand.

He asked and I said "yes"
The Judge asked and we said, "I do!"

I have found the one my soul loves.

God blessed the broken road
that led me straight to you.

Two lives, two hearts, joined together in friendship,
united forever in love.

Fairytales aren't always make believe.
This fairytale begins with our love,
beginning at forever and ending at never.

I'll love you until the day after forever.

Let this be our destiny...
To love, to live, to begin each new day together, to share our lives forever

This is our moment, a moment when two souls unite.
I give you my all and ask for nothing but you.

Let our first day of our mutual life begin with love and with those we love

GROOM NAME and BRIDE NAME are happy to share
the announcement of their marriage

My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give thee,
the more I have, for both are infinite —William Shakespeare

How beautiful is the day touched by love,
may our love touch you on our day

You are my forever valentine

Love fills the moment and the moment brings eternity.
Love fills the lifetime and the lifetime begins now.

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.
For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.

Two hands, two hearts, one love forever.

As you are a part of our lives,
please be a part of our celebration

We set sail for a much needed vacation,
and we tied the knot in a tropical destination!

Walking on the beach together,
hand in hand we'll be forever.

Love is the discovery of ourselves in others,
and the delight in the recognition.

We're hooked on each other...
We cast our lines into the sea of love
and we both hooked a keeper!

"If you live a hundred years, I want to live a hundred minus one day
so I never have to live a day without you" --Winnie the Pooh

I love you to the moon and back again,
to infinity and beyond, forever and forever.

Love is the passionate dance between two hearts.
It is to believe in the dream and together make it real...

The world is more brilliant when memories are shared
and dreams are realized together.

Love is friendship set on fire.

The greatest thing you ever learn
is simply to love and be loved in return.

The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them.

I love you, not only for who you are,
but for who I am when I am with you

Love makes life a paradise

You are my life, my love, my gift from God and I will love you always

And so today, my world it smiles.
Your hand in mine, we will walk the miles.

We have given each other the most precious gift of all...love

A time for love. A time for us.

Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide,
but I love you until the end of time.

One love, one dream, one heart

Heart of me, part of me

The wedding bells will ring quite soon, for we have set a date.
We're hoping that you will be there to help us celebrate.

The miracle of love is that love is given to us to give to one another

This day I will marry my friend,
the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love

In the sweetness of love, let there be laughter,
and in all our tomorrows, the freshness of today

The path that leads to happiness is so narrow
that two cannot walk on it, unless they become as one

A fresh new day, and it is ours, a day of happy beginnings

Two hearts that now beat as one

You will find as you look back upon your life that
the moments when you have truly lived are the moments
when you have done things in the spirit of love.

And the two shall become one

On our special wedding day, how happy that will be.
All that lies ahead for us, we can't wait to see!

One love that is shared by two

Love lights the hearts of those who share it

From this moment I have been blessed
I live only for your happiness
And for your love I'd give my last breath
From this moment on

He loves me, he loves me not,
he loves me, we tied the knot!

The most joyous of occasions is the union
of man and woman in celebration of life

Each of us a half...incomplete
together we are as one

And we shall become one
to share all the days of our lives

Love is composed of a single soul
inhabiting two bodies. —Aristotle

This day our hearts are joined as one

Time moves so quickly, and so too does life.
We were so anxious to be husband and wife.
Our days were filled, our schedules too,
so we ran off and said our I do's!

Our life together begins this day

We were two and had but one heart between us

I want to live with you just as you are.
I have chosen you, above all others, to share my life with.

We have given each other the most precious gift of all...love

Our eyes met and from the start,
love was planted in our hearts

As the flower blooms and petals unfold,
we’re soon to say “to have and to hold.”

One man, one woman, one life, one love

We’ve made the plans and can hardly wait,
our wedding is near and here is the date!

As unique as a seashell, as deep as the sea
As eternal as the waves, our love is meant to be

Like a butterfly in a summer breeze,
our hearts are uplifted by love

Love washes in like the tide soothing the parched sand

As I have given you my hand to hold,
I give you my life to keep

Never above you, never below you, always beside you

As petal to flower, as wing to eagle,
as sunrise to morning, so you are to me

What's meant to be will always find a way

At last my love has come along.
My lonely days are over and life feels like a song.

The first time I saw your face and felt your heart so close to mine,
I knew our joy would fill the world and last till the end of time

The bridal bouquet was thrown, the garter was tossed, too.
By all present our love was known, now we’ll spread our joy to you!

Love will find you and bring your home

So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has
joined together, let man not separate. —Matthew 19:6

Hold hands with me my dearest friend;
it is you with whom my life I’ll spend.

I could conquer the world with just one hand…
as long as you were holding the other

No sooner they met but they looked;
No sooner they looked, but they loved

The children sent us off on a tropical island vacation,
and wish their blessings, it became our wedding destination!

We're starting our new lives together at a new address.
The door is always open so please be our guest.

God has led two lives to take one path.
It is with great pleasure that we announce our marriage...

To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides
—David Viscott

A small service joined our hearts and our lives on...

A private wedding in a tropical setting...
BRIDE and GROOM were married on...

Love is always bestowed as a gift—freely, willingly, and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.

For hearing my thoughts, understanding my dreams, and being my best friend...
For filling my life with music and loving me without end... I do

You are not the air that I breathe,
you are the sweet scent that drifts upon it

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending...

All the birds in the sky, all the fish in the sea,
will never explain what you mean to me

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach

Love is friendship set to music
—Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Love is not about looking each other in the eyes, but about looking together in the same direction

Las Vegas wedding wording:
We hit the jackpot! We are happy to announce our marriage...

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有時候 "數大便是美"



紐約現代美術館第四屆「MoMA Film Benefit」活動,本屆由Chanel主辦。一向任何大小事都熱愛親力親為的品牌設計總監卡爾拉格斐,特別為會場佈置了一大片玫瑰花牆,讓所有與會的名人們都可以在這片美麗的牆面前拍照。


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瓶中信 並不是新的概念




表現的更精緻 完整

希望收到的賓客 也能感受到 我們特別的心意~








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從事婚禮邀請卡多年 常常都可以收到客戶們的熱情喜餅,有時候收到會害怕 因為市面上知名的喜餅品牌通常只有換包裝盒 內容物實在都是大同小異.我常常只挑了一兩種喜歡吃的口味 其他就是放在店裡請客戶或朋友吃 (實在怕胖呀)

這陣子 收到了幾位對自己婚禮很有想法的新人們 送來的餅


不管是口味與包裝 都突破了以往喜餅給人的印象










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無意間看到這段文字 覺得很有意思 給大家參考囉 希望每個新娘結婚前後 都要愛自己喔~



“When I look in the mirror and the only one there is me
Every freckle on my face is where it’s suppose to be
And I know my creator didn’t make no mistakes on me
My feet, my thighs, my Lips, my eyes, I’m loving what I see

Am I less of a lady if I don’t wear panty hose?
My momma said a lady ain’t what she wears but what she knows…
But I’ve drawn the conclusion, it’s all an illusion
Confusion’s the name of the game
A misconception, a vast deception,
Something got to change

Now don’t be offended this is all my opinion
Ain’t nothing that I’m saying law
This is a true confession 
Of a life learned lesson 
I was sent here to share with y’all
So get in when you fit in
Go on and shine
Clear your mind 
Now’s the time
Put your salt on the shelf
Go on and love yourself
‘Cause everything’s gonna be alright”


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卻也就這麼悄悄的結束了 嗚嗚~ 都還沒睡飽



開工大吉 希望POPPY的親朋好友們 再如此艱困的一年

仍能否極泰來 更上層樓喔!



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昨兒個 多禮數的查理老大



OH~本來他去年送我的奶油白聖誕花圈打算今年再拿出來掛著 應景一下

沒想到 紅通通的X'mas Wreath 是我收到的第一份禮物 真感恩

掛在POPPY店門口 真搭....好有FEEL~

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(10前ㄉ凱莉 超年輕)

第二季  十九集 "The Chicken Dance"

凱莉的詩Carrie's Poem

His hello was the end of her endings
Her laugh was their first step down the aisle
His hand would be hers to hold forever
His forever was as simple as her smile
He said she was what was missing
She said instantly she knew
She was a question to be answered
And his answer was "I do"


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又碰到了一些不理性的客戶 累....

這個週末 來了 一位NICE的佩君

也是從台中上來訂喜帖 感動ㄌㄟ




有興趣的朋友 可以細細品嚐一些這精短的文字



Beethoven - Love Letters of Great Men

Good morning, on July 7

Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us - I can live only wholly with you or not at all - Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits - Yes, unhappily it must be so - You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart - never - never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life - Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men - At my age I need a steady, quiet life - can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day - therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once - Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together -

Be calm -

love me - today - yesterday -

what tearful longings for you -

you - you - my life - my all - farewell.

Oh continue to love me -

never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

ever thine  

ever mine

 ever ours

These letters were found in Beethoven's desk after he died. They were not addressed to anybody, so it is impossible to know who he was writing to. Historians feel they were written to a married woman who he loved dearly, and who was leaving the city at the time of these letters.

This is the letter Mr. Big quotes at the wedding with Carrie in Sex and the City.



【2005/10/14 聯合報】




譬 如有一集,凱莉瀕臨失去租屋的危機,必須縮減對於名牌的花費,卻還是與米蘭達去逛女鞋店,只看不買的折磨自己。由於新鞋的種種款式是那樣迷人,凱 莉這十足的高跟鞋狂不禁慨嘆了一句:「水啊,到處都是水,卻沒有一滴能喝。」(Water, water everywhere. Not a drop to drink.)

看到這裡,我驚嘆這部影集到底是有兩下子。因為這一句話,正是英國大詩人柯立芝(Co- leridge)的名詩〈古舟子詠〉("The Rhyme of Ancient Marina")中的名句。這首詩,是國內各大學英文系的重頭戲科目「英國文學史」中必教的。詩中是指大船上的人都被困在船中,飲用水又早已耗盡,只有望 海興嘆,卻不能汲取海水來喝,因為會更渴。這個景況,正像是凱莉只能望著鞋店的琳瑯滿目心癢難搔,卻不能花錢買下。凱莉不愧是個專欄作家,文學典故順手拈 來,自然生動。

影集的中文字幕,是無法將這句話的背景翻出來的。然而知道這個典故是重要的,因為這樣的對話方式,正說明了這四個女主 角的背景。她們一開始都是住在 紐約曼哈頓的上城酖酖上東區與上西區,也就是所謂的上城女孩(uptown girls),都比較有文化教養,穿著也以典雅(classy)為主。


這 一句輕輕閃過,說得不經意,中文字幕也無法跟上。但這也套了另一個文學典故。安法蘭克,就是名著《安妮的日記》(The Diary of Ann Frank)的女主角(正確的發音是安,而非安妮)。這本名著就是描述由於納粹迫害,無數猶太人慘遭荼毒,但是有少數猶太家庭躲在祕密地窖裡,冀望逃過大 劫。安法蘭克便是這樣家庭中的一個少女。不見天日的百無聊賴中,她只好常常寫日記,沒想到後來成為具有史料價值的名著。米蘭達這麼說,就是教凱莉不要一直 關在自己家裡,又不是躲避追殺的猶太人,何必這麼自閉?這一句話,因此是含有一點調侃的。


這 就是《慾望城市》的英語,快速、簡練、漂亮,甚至文學!它與《六人行》影集的英語是很不一樣的。雖然這兩部影集的背景都是紐約曼哈頓,但是《六人 行》的主角們住在下城的格林威治村,他們的英語就不像《慾望城市》那樣「高檔」,而是比較庶民生活、比較輕鬆,不會引用名詩,頂多引用流行歌詞來搞笑。

《慾 望城市》的「文學性」也不是刻意的在那裡吟詩作對,而是自然在聊八卦的時候就可以脫口而出。譬如直爽的莎曼莎就曾爆出fuckenstein一 字!此字來自另一本名著《科學怪人》(Frankenstein)。Frankenstein是個科學家,創造出「科學怪人」來。然而莎曼莎隨口一改,將 美國國罵fuck與這個字結合,成了一個新字,用來形容「性愛機械怪人」。連髒話也講得這麼「文學」,這可不是一般出口成髒的老百姓做得到的。

此 外,《慾望城市》還常常開時髦書市潮流的玩笑酖酖這些美麗女子是經常讀書的!有一集就完全集中在很紅的「瀕死經驗」書市話題上。「瀕死經驗」 (near death experience)在美國每隔幾年就會來上一股熱潮。它用來形容有些在醫學上被判定已死的人,忽然又轉醒過來,之後他們說起這段近乎死亡的境遇,竟有 許多共通之處;譬如先是高速旋入一個隧道,然後進入一種光的境界,在那裡他看見自己的一生就像電影般在眼前快速播放,供他反省,之後有天使或菩薩之類的存 在來告訴他命不該絕,因此要轉醒過來。死而復生之後,這樣的人都忽然有了宗教情懷,立志將愛的訊息傳達給他人知道。台灣書市,目前已出版的《西藏生死 書》,其實就與「瀕死經驗」有密切關連。

然而世故好玩的劇集,卻將宗教信仰轉為性愛的譬喻。劇中將作愛當成固定健身運動的莎曼莎,有 一次與一個極有權力的社交名媛洽談公關活動,卻沒想到對 方當場指證自己的丈夫曾經跟她上過床。凱莉的旁白響起:「此時莎曼莎一生中所有睡過的男人,就像瀕死經驗般,快速在她腦中閃過。」


之 後莎曼莎被這位社交名媛封殺,失去了所有公關工作,幾乎等於死掉了酖酖後來她慘到去當挖馬路工人!幸虧在挖馬路時,她無意間碰上了另一個名人酖酖 李奧納多迪卡皮歐(《鐵達尼號》男主角)。在仰角的視野中,他的面容光芒中忽隱忽現,有如瀕死世界中的天使,伸出手將莎曼莎拉上來,讓她重回上流社會的社 交圈。此時凱莉的旁白形容,「莎曼莎碰上了一個ex machina,得到了拯救」。這個拉丁文要花點時間解釋,因為它是英文系與戲劇系會用到的專有名詞。

在古典的希臘喜劇中,常常因為 種種誤會、衝突而導致笑鬧高潮,但是當劇情「尾大不掉」,不知如何解決的時候,有的劇作家就乾脆在劇末用機器吊下一個 神仙來,快速解決一切糾紛,皆大歡喜。在後來的英國戲劇、甚至如今的電影中,也有這種「特效」天神下降,解除所有衝突的結局。因此ex machina就是「機器吊下來的天神」,常用來形容一個劇作不知如何收尾而有的一個偷懶作法。(譬如爛片《世界大戰》中的細菌,就可稱為ex machina。)




【2005/10/14 聯合報】

Poppy 喜帖創意家 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

傳說中 可愛又帥氣的天寶號 來POPPY店裡 陪他媽咪來挑喜帖

最後 自己玩累了 就坐上籐椅休息


毛 居然是軟的

我猜 他阿母 一定有給他洗潤絲......


想看精彩報導和天寶媽生動的文字和厲害照片請連上 天寶號


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插畫、布料的婚卡玩家 - POPPY喜帖創意家

特色: 半客製化


採訪日期:2008/08/13 刊登日期:2008/09/03



從一個公事箱、各大咖啡店,到成立實體店面 – POPPY成立緣起

★ 第一張婚卡,為了哥哥的婚禮而誕生





★ 網拍、咖啡店,到實體店面







★ 半客製化 & 製作上的彈性空間





★ 現場搭配,溝通上減低誤會

( Apple現場展示了許多種字體字型、婚卡款式、婚卡裝飾、信封與貼紙給小編看,非常豐富。)



★ 需要的話,一次購買好幾款婚卡也沒問題!



( 編按:在採訪過程中,恰巧一位準新娘前來取件,在她訂的235張同款婚卡中,共有白色、藍色、粉色、紫色等四個顏色!準新娘在現場點著各色婚卡,一邊開心地分配著什麼顏色要給什麼人,完全是很愉悅的感覺呀!)


★ Q1. POPPY的婚卡有特定風格嗎?




★ Q2. 哪種風格的婚卡較受歡迎?


★ Q3. 布的素材很多,是否有更大的嘗試空間?


★ Q4. 婚禮佈置的相關經驗,對於現今的工作,有沒有助益呢?


Apple:「當然是有的啦!(笑) 因為以前是做婚禮相關產業的,對於整個婚禮的流程是很了解的,也能很快抓住顧客的需求與感覺,無論在溝通上,或是在對顧客婚禮的相關建議與關心上,都非常有幫助。另外婚禮佈置的經驗,讓我對飾品、花朵與顏色的掌握度是較高的,用於婚卡的製作上,很實用啊。」

Q5. 最重要的,POPPY的價格帶範圍?


Q6. 購買/訂製婚卡的所需時間?










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此次活動 由十間頗具知名度 的花藝設計和婚禮顧問公司



去年舉辦完後 看來都各自休養生息一年

養精蓄銳 密門修煉


不論在花材 道具 架構 設計 似乎都卯足畢生之功力

讓此次比武大賽 熱鬧又具看頭




先SHOW 幾張照片




((桔事婚禮顧問 ))

由紅白 相間的哥倫比亞進口玫瑰





大成本 大製作的搭景...讓人以為是從加州豪門婚宴的會場


豪哥 您真是太厲害了 水晶吊燈搬到現場來了





用高級訂製禮服的蕾絲布 和法國緞



最主要的是她們的桌上佈置 都採用了POPPY的印製品




Poppy 喜帖創意家 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2008.6.21   好友MS.張 結婚

因為婚宴地點在基隆 時間關係


只好委請 POPPY的好友 花藝達人----查理

幫我紥綁一束 超高"貴"的的捧花送給MS張




因為 我覺得甚少有新人會捨得在捧花這邊砸大錢




希望在大喜之日 以雍容華貴的扮相出場

只是 結婚 真的很忙也很花錢


一道道 過五關斬六將後

婚禮當天 就以婚紗店贈送的捧花

囫圇吞棗的應付 以節省時間 和金錢


圖什麼? 不就是別人讚賞的眼光

那為什麼 捧花不能被好好重視

畢竟 這是除了禮服外





但是 如果這束牡丹捧花是登在美國新娘雜誌的知名花店製作


所以在台灣請花店訂製 真的很值得

查理花苑用了很多心思 呵護這一朵朵牡丹花

要算好時間 達到最剛好的開合度

打開盒子 偷偷拍了照

十幾朵鮮艷欲滴花中之王(進口的粉牡丹花) 釋放出的香氣


呼呼 希望今晚MS張可不要來個丟"捧花儀式" .....


裝在查理花苑特製的立體提袋 真的是很有質感的禮物吧~~~~

來一張俯視照 (旁邊是新郎的胸花 也是牡丹喔!)

另外 又請查理另外紥一束 首席伴娘媚媚(因為也是好友之ㄧ)


以純白色的桔梗和牛奶白的玫瑰 搭配進口的小圓薊花

綴以白色蕾絲花及茉莉葉 也是高級的不得了

裝在盒子裡 真是大方~

另外3位年輕伴娘的捧花 真是好看.....

Poppy 喜帖創意家 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()






有點兒狐疑?搞不清楚為什麼喜帖店要取這個名字  Why?


大部分的同行呢,取名----- 幾乎一面倒


婚紗店啦 囍餅店 婚禮顧問公司 花店囉

每個都是甜甜 浪漫 優雅的品牌


當初會選這個英文字 POPPY

好寫好記 好拼音是最主要





大部分 POPPY出產的卡片背後 都會烙上這的圖案




但是poppy不是小狗哦 p"u"ppy才是小狗

兩著發音非常雷同 但意思可是完全不同喔


KK: []
DJ: []


n. (名詞 noun)[C]小狗,幼犬


His dog hasn't had a litter of puppies.他的狗還沒有生過一窩小狗。




KK: []
DJ: []

n. (名詞 noun)【植】罌粟;罌粟科植物[C]

  1. 罌粟花 虞美人[C]


  2. 鴉片

補上 POPPY花朵的一些原始資料照片


虞美人 (POPPY的其中一種花系)

(剛好本週 POPPY的好友 查理花苑送來一束(虞美人) POPPIES當作我們櫥窗擺設花)

虞美人-嬰粟花科的一種,嬰粟屬,一-二年生草本植物,別稱鴉片花、嬰粟花、麗春花。虞美人株高30~9(公 分,莖直立,少竹枝;葉互生,羽狀申裂或全裂,邊緣有鋸齒;花單生枝頂,姿態艷麗,故日麗 春。
   花直徑約5公分,未開放時花 蕾向下;萼片2攸,綠色白邊,橢圓形船狀,花開時萼片脫落;花 瓣4枚,略成圓形或廣圓形,全緣 或有圓齒及深切裂,花色有紫 紅、深紫、猩紅等,少有白色與 淺紅色,邊緣有深色斑點;雄蕊 多數;子房倒卵形,狀似陀螺; 蒴果長約I公分以上。


  華麗之姿,其花梟娜、搖曳主姿,綠葉疊翠,花葉並嬌。傳說若歌虞美人曲,則葉動如舞,又 稱「舞草」。花蕾末開放時,垂首低眉:「芳心寂寞寄寒枝,舊曲 聞來似斂眉;哀怨徘徊愁不語, 恰如初聽楚歌時。」哀怨的神情,宛然虞姬重現。

  據說虞美人這種花,是當年虞姬與項羽在烏江訣別時,虞姬自刪,所流的鮮血濺在項羽的衣 帶上,後來衣帶所埋的地方長出了一棵嬌柔的花,楚楚動人,能夠聞樂而舞就像當年虞姬一樣, 所以人們稱她為「虞美人」。

   西楚霸王項羽,都彭城,與劉邦爭奪天下。由於項羽剛愎自用、有勇無謀,且無法知人善 用,良將忠臣紛紛離去。之後,誤中張良、韓信之計,使其敗 下。
   項羽在軍帳中飲酒,忽聞四 面楚歌,八方鼓譟。大懼,疑大勢已去,與虞姬趨馬逃至烏江,面對滔滔江水,無限淒涼,自覺 無顏面對江東父老,乃命虞姬於江邊翩然起舞,項羽自歌唱云:「力拔山兮氣蓋世,時不利兮雛不 逝;雛不逝兮無奈何,虞兮虞兮奈若何?」
   虞姬知項羽對她的命運放心不下,乃抽出寶劍自刪以 謝項王;項羽亦自刪於江邊,天下遂歸劉邦之漢室。
  由於這段淒美拘傅說;歷來騷人墨客莫不以此為吟哦之對象:「 下已捐身,花枝血濺 新;芳魂化幽草,羞做漢宮春。」 這是清朝詩人孫念謀的作品;再看另一首亦是清朝詩人吳嘉紀的作品:「楚漢已俱沒,若墳草尚 存,幾枝亡國恨,千載美人魂。影弱還如舞,花嬌欲有言;年年持此意,以報項家恩。」另一位 清朝許姓的女詩人也是以虞姬的故事來敘寫虞美人:「君王意氣盡江東,賤妾何堪入漢宮;碧血 化為江上草,花開更比仕鵑紅。」

 然而看看唐朝大詩人杜甫的詩:「百草競春華,麗春應最勝;少須顏色好,多漫枝條剩。 紛紛桃李姿,處處總都移;如何此貴重,卻怕有人知。」杜甫觀察麗春花非常入微;他說桃李凡 姿,隨移隨活,獨麗春怪異,移之則稿,卻似怕人知者。  
  綜觀兩個朝代詩人的作品,可以了解虞美人在文人心目中的形象轉變。須知楚漢柑爭距今已有 2200年之久;然而原產於歐洲,在當地被視為「多產」象徵的虞美人,引入中國是西元7-8世 紀的事情,正是唐威鼎盛之際。
   由大文豪杜甫的詩中,可以發現在唐朝時代,虞美人被稱為「麗春花」,此時尚未賦予「虞姬」的 形象;到了明、清時代,文人已轉稱麗春為虞美人由於麗春花花枝柔軟,容易隨風款擺,輕盈、嬌柔的花姿引人憐愛。
   隔著時空重新審閱項羽心境, 自然為虞姬的堅貞喝采, 因此將外型柔弱可人,能夠隨風起舞的麗春花稱為「舞草」,再轉 為為愛而舞以謝項王的虞姬-虞美人了。
  《花鏡》形容虞美人:「金谷 芳塘,無非繡譜;草茵花綺,盡 成香國。繁紅鬧紫,相映踏青之 履;燕蹴鶯翻,亂點玉人之額。」 可說極盡讚美之辭。
   古時虞美人被植於藥草園中,因其根部可治黃疸,花可用於鎮咳、怯痰等症。但因花形嬌 美,炯娜多姿,更因會聞樂音而舞動,而被做為觀賞花卉廣為栽培吧。

  虞美人花莖柔軟,需用鐵絲纏繞方能挺立,但也因其具有可塑性,而能做多種的線條變化, 很具立體動感,不過盛開的虞美人,莖頂通常容易下垂,須留意花面的方向。不過吸水性稍差, 最好在水中切剪,做水揚法處理花材。


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This article is about the plant. For other uses, see Poppy (disambiguation).

A wild field of poppies, West Azarbaijan Province, Iran

A poppy is any of a number of showy flowers, typically with one per stem, belonging to the poppy family. They include a number of attractive wildflower species with showy flowers found growing singularly or in large groups; many species are also grown in gardens. Those that are grown in gardens include large plants used in a mixed herbaceous boarder and small plants that are grown in rock or alpine gardens.

The flower color of poppy species include: white, pink, yellow, orange, red and blue; some have dark center markings. The species that have been cultivated for many years also include many other colors ranging from dark solid colors to soft pastel shades. The center of the flower has a whorl of stamens surrounded by a cup- or bowl-shaped collection of four to six petals. Prior to blooming, the petals are crumpled in bud, and as blooming finishes, the petals often lie flat before falling away.

Corn Poppy,(Papaver rhoeas)

Close up of white poppy seeds

Poppies may be found in the genera:

The pollen of the oriental poppy, Papaver orientale, is dark blue. The pollen of the field poppy or corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas) is dark blue to grey. Bees will use poppies as a pollen source.

The opium poppy, Papaver somniferum, is grown for opium, opiates or seeds to be used in cooking and baking, eg., Hungarian poppy seed rolls.

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