

Bride & Groom Inviting 1


Together with their parents
Julia Esabella Sanmeters
Nicholas Kristoff Demett
request the honour of your presence
at their marriage
on Sunday, the fourth of October
two thousand fourteen
at six o'clock in the evening
Mount Zion Church
11890 Leaf Avenue
Chicago, Illinois


Bride & Groom Inviting 2


Because you have shared in
our lives
by your friendship and love we,
Karrie Ester Bryant
Matthew Edward Mergesen
together with our parents
invite you to share
the beginning of our new life
when we exchange marriage
on Friday, the ninth of May
two thousand fourteen
at half after four o'clock
The Hall of Casa Monica
Four North Bend Avenue
St. Augustine, Florid


Bride & Groom Inviting 3


You work, you play
and then, one day...
love just happens!
Jenny Thompson
Kurt Shippers
invite you to be a witness
to one of life's loveliest
as they are joined together in
on Saturday, the seventh of June
at three o'clock in the afternoon
Birmingham Hotel
42067 Fargo Road
Palm City, Florida 


Bride & Groom Inviting 4

Something borrowed and
something blue
some things are old, some
things are new
Someone to care and share
your life
the dream of every husband
and wife
Please join us
Martha McBellow
Billy Barton
as we unite in marriage
on Saturday, the twelfth of July
Belleview Grand Hotel
975 Belleview Boulevard
Bellaire Beach, North Carolin


Bride & Groom Inviting 5

The future seems so bright and clear
when I picture it with you near
Becky Mophit
James Hill
request the honour of your presence
at their marriage
Friday, the eighth of August
at half after five o'clock
Church of St. Lucas
828 Licoln Avenue
Minoa, Illinois



Bride & Groom Inviting 6

Mary Stevens
Chuck Henderson
have chosen the first day
of their new life together
as Saturday, the fourth of October
two thousand fourteen
You are invited to share in their
as they exchange marriage vows
at four o'clock in the afternoon
Church by the Sea
19 Riverside Drive
Sand Key, Florida


Bride & Groom Inviting 7

From the first 'tee'
we knew we 'wood' spend
the 'course' of our lives together
Megan Riley
Jonathan Bueler
‘wood’ love ‘fore’ you to join us
at our wedding
on May 4, 2014 at 5:00 pm
Church of the Saints
1675 Azalea Court
Malay, Indiana


Bride & Groom Inviting 8

Friends forever we will be
whether walking on the beach
or sailing on the sea...
Please be our guest as we,
Patricia Morgan
Greg Bundy
join together
on September 20, 2014
at 2:00 pm
St. Michael's Church
2003 Curlew Road
Palm Harbor, Florida

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    Poppy 喜帖創意家


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