
超級頭痛的狀況 Sticky Situations

隨著時代的演進,我們慢慢踩著美式社會的脈動,家庭的成員不再是一成不變. 常常在店裡面,也會碰到一些令人棘手的複雜問題. 父母離婚囉.再婚啦.或是其中一方過世了.等等... 喜帖內文該怎麼寫就是一個大問題!

POPPY的建議,除了先和大人們商量後,原則上不管是何種狀況,盡量以"避重就輕"要符合新人現階段生活的實情為主,千萬不要多寫 以免"越描越黑".  If you're like many Americans, your familial configuration is anything but nuclear. Parents that are divorced, remarried, or deceased are not uncommon. Likewise, wedding customs have changed: Instead of the bride's family footing the entire bill, more couples are paying for their own festivities, under their own terms. In the wake of these changes, the innocent wedding invitation, where those hosting -- um, paying for -- the wedding are conventionally recognized, has become an etiquette minefield. Read on to escape unscathed with our solutions to sticky wording situations.

 狀態 1: 離婚Divorced

The basic rule of thumb is to tread lightly -- you don't want to salt old wounds or, if one parent is happily remarried and the other is unhappily not, bring public attention to this fact, if only to spare the unmarried parent's feelings. Your safest bet is to list your natural parents' names only and on separate lines. If one parent has been remarried for a significant amount of time and that stepparent has played an important role in your life, it is appropriate to include that person's name on the same line as his or her wife or husband. (And regardless of who's remarried, always list the mother first.) If you are faced with two to four sets of remarried parents hosting the wedding, either list each couple on their own line or use the fallback "Together with their families" to keep the invitation uncluttered. Here are some examples.

離婚父母其中一方主辦婚禮 喜帖內文就可以這樣寫

A divorced parent is hosting:

Mr. John Philip Monroe
requests the honor of your presence
at the marriage of his daughter
Elizabeth Ann
Kevin Charles Black
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black

離婚父母其中一方與他(她)的新配偶主辦婚禮 喜帖內文就可以這樣寫

    A divorced parent is hosting with new spouse:

Michelle & Timothy Wright
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of her daughter
Elizabeth Ann Monroe
Kevin Charles Black
son of
Barbara and Stanley Black

離婚父母雙方與他(她)的新配偶主辦婚禮 喜帖內文就可以這樣寫

     Divorced parents are jointly hosting:

Mrs. Michelle Wright
Mr. John Monroe
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Elizabeth Ann Monroe
Kevin Charles Black
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black

狀態 2: 過世 Widowed

父母其中一方已經過世 還在世的一方與新配偶都要放在喜帖上面的話 需要明確的表示新娘(郎)是誰的小孩

If the hosting parent is widowed, start with just the surviving parent's name or the surviving parent's new married name and his or her spouse's name. Be sure to specify who is related to the bride.

舉例來說 For example:新娘Ann是Michelle Wright太太與前夫一起的小孩

Michelle and Timothy Wright
request the pleasure of your company
at the marriage of Mrs. Wright's daughter
Elizabeth Ann Monroe

在這個例子 新娘Ann的姓氏還跟著已故其中一方的父親名字In this example, the daughter's fraternal surname is included to honor the deceased parent.

狀態 3:表彰社會地位 Ranked

很多新人希望在喜帖上彰顯出自己在社會上特殊的職位或工作上的專業  但如果你加了一些特別的頭銜 記得就不要再寫出 Mr. Ms. Mrs....

Modern couples today include professional titles on all applicable names. If you choose to do so, keep a couple of things in mind: A title should not be used with Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Also, if you add a title to the bride's name, you should add her last name, as well.

舉幾個例子 Here are the proper titles and usage of common professions:

律師Lawyer:  Michelle Wright, Esq.
醫生Doctor:    Dr. Michelle Wright
法官Judge:     The Honorable Michelle Wright

  • 基督教The Reverend Michelle Wright (Christian)
  • 天主教Father John Monroe (Catholic)
  • 猶太教Rabbi Michelle Wright (Jewish)

軍人Military:     Captain (Commander or Major) John Monroe

Be sure to properly denote each title in a wedding invitation.

For example:

Dr. Michelle Wright and Timothy Wright
Mr. John Monroe
request the honor of your presence
at the marriage of their daughter
Elizabeth Ann Monroe
Kevin Charles Black, Esq.
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Black

緬懷其中一位 Honoring Others

如果不幸父母一方過世了 可以在婚禮進行時 增加一點儀式 來緬懷他(她)們的重要



 To honor a mother or father who has passed away, you can skip the once-obligatory invite mention and honor the parent at the ceremony or reception instead. Ideas? Light a candle during the ceremony, play his or her favorite song, or have his or her favorite piece of scripture or a poem read (its significance should be noted in the wedding program).

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    Poppy 喜帖創意家


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